October 20, 2006, Newsletter Issue #37: Consolidating Your First and Second Mortgages

Tip of the Week

For various reasons, many people end up carrying a first and second mortgage on their home. Thanks to the growing home market, these same people are finding that they have established enough total equity to refinance and consolidate their two mortgages into a single, fixed loan. This makes the best sense in all aspects.

Short term and long term, consolidating a first and second mortgage is a smart move. To find out about consolidating your first and second mortgage, check out lending resources on the web and in your local neighborhood. You will find a wide variety of options for your consolidation and in the end, the scenario you choose will be based on your particular situation. Just be sure that you get quotes from different places before settling on a loan. You can never know if you are getting the best quote if you only get one.

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